T1D Memes 2

What is better than a funny meme to make your day? I always love memes, and there are countless ideas for Type One Diabetes ones. My previous post with T1D memes was a favorite for many people, according to one of my polls, so I decided to make some more memes with diabetes themes. Enjoy!

Many times low blood sugars can be a pain, but at least the first couple of times seem like a treat to get to eat sugary treats to bring your blood sugar back up.

There are many jokes out there about diabetes, usually related to eating too much sugar or being obese. Often times the person making the joke doesn’t even know that you have Type One Diabetes and didn’t mean to offend you, but nevertheless you still feel like scowling like this owl.

The cure for diabetes seems like it will never come, and you will be a skeleton before it comes!

Every Type One Diabetic has been there; your blood sugar is high or low and it goes off and everyone looks at you and you ignore everything until you can turn it off.

There are many different things that people think of when you tell them that you are a Type One Diabetic, the most common of which eating sugars and carbohydrates as well as doing insulin injections.

Type One Diabetes can seem like a lot a moments, and what better than a cute cat picture to describe it!

Often times it seems like your blood sugars are out to get you.

Many diabetics have probably been there. You eat your meal and forget to dose, and then later by luck, or more commonly from your blood sugars you realize that you didn’t dose for the meal.

Especially if you have an insulin pump or CGM there are many different passwords that you have to remember, so this meme may be relatable to some.

At least for me, seeing someone else with Type One Diabetes makes my day and gets me excited.

I hope that you found these T1D memes funny and enjoyable; I know I did.

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